by Draco | May 10, 2018 | Robot Wars UK: S10
[Robot Wars UK: S10 E6 is available online HERE.] Like any season of Robot Wars, the final episode is reserved for the championship. Except for the first season when I think they combined Heat F and the Grand Final into the same episode and it was kind of a shit show....
by Draco | May 3, 2018 | Robot Wars UK: S10
[Robot Wars UK: S10 E5 is available online HERE.] We’re now at the fifth and final heat of The Tenth Wars, “Heat E”. Four competitors have already qualified for the Grand Final while eight runners-up wait in limbo for their chance at a wildcard in...
by Draco | Apr 26, 2018 | Robot Wars UK: S10
[Robot Wars UK: S10 E4 is available online HERE.] Hey do you guys remember when series 10 of Robot Wars was on the BBC? Like… last year? Cool, I do too. I also vaguely remember that I abruptly stopped my coverage of it right in the middle of the season because I...
by Draco | Dec 20, 2017 | Robot Wars UK: S10
[Robot Wars UK: S10 E3 is available online HERE.] Well hello there and welcome back to my continuing coverage of Robot Wars series 10 here on BattleBots Update. Yes, I am aware there is an issue with the name of the website because I spend almost all of my time...
by Draco | Dec 7, 2017 | Robot Wars UK: S10
[Robot Wars UK: S10 E2 is available online HERE.] Oh boy it’s time for another installment of The Update covering the latest series of Robot Wars! Now, as I write this article the series has already come to a close and a champion has been crowned, but I still...
by Draco | Nov 28, 2017 | Robot Wars UK: S10
[Robot Wars UK: S10 E1 is available online HERE.] Hey you know what time it is? I’ll give you a hint it certainly isn’t BattleBots time, haha thanks ABC! While American television has continued to be absolute dog shit for the past ∞ years our friends over...