by Draco | Aug 1, 2015 | BattleBots: S6
[Episode 6 and individual fights available on] This is it. The final countdown. (Da na na NA, da nananaNA!) Six weeks ago I was so inspired by the premiere of BattleBots that I felt it was my duty to come out of writing retirement and work it out with a...
by Draco | Jul 23, 2015 | BattleBots: S6
[Episode 5 and individual fights available on] Hello and welcome to BattleBots Update, the only BattleBots recap blog with that title. This website has been getting quite popular among the robot combat circuit, so much that I’m going to get dinged with...
by Draco | Jul 9, 2015 | BattleBots: S6
[Episode 3 and individual fights available on] It’s [insert day of the week here], and can mean only one thing; you’re currently at a job or place of higher education that’s making you miserable. Also, BattleBots Update I guess. Yay....
by Draco | Jul 2, 2015 | BattleBots: S6
[Episode 2 and individual fights available on] Welcome back to BattleBots Update. I’ve gotta be honest, after seeing last week’s episode simply waiting for this one to premiere felt longer than the wait for the show to come back in general. I guess...