Robot Wars UK: S10 E6

Robot Wars UK: S10 E6

[Robot Wars UK: S10 E6 is available online HERE.] Like any season of Robot Wars, the final episode is reserved for the championship. Except for the first season when I think they combined Heat F and the Grand Final into the same episode and it was kind of a shit show....
Robot Wars UK: S10 E2

Robot Wars UK: S10 E2

[Robot Wars UK: S10 E2 is available online HERE.] Oh boy it’s time for another installment of The Update covering the latest series of Robot Wars! Now, as I write this article the series has already come to a close and a champion has been crowned, but I still...
Robot Wars UK: S9 E6

Robot Wars UK: S9 E6

[Robot Wars UK S9: E6 is available online here.] Oh man, you feel that? That weird disturbance in the air? It can mean only one thing, Cherub received the Robot Wars wildcard. Kidding, we’ll get into wildcards in a bit but first I’ve gotta generate some...
Robot Wars UK: S9 E2

Robot Wars UK: S9 E2

[Robot Wars UK S9: E2 is available online here.] Welcome back to BattleBots Update, the only bad comedy website whose name includes one robot combat event but appears to exclusively write about a different one. These days, at least. Last week saw the start of Robot...
Robot Wars UK: S8 E4

Robot Wars UK: S8 E4

[Robot Wars UK: S8 is available online through the BBC.] Hey, it’s Update time! Previously on Robot Wars TR2 claimed a place in the grand final after sending Dantomkia back to the used car lot that its current team purchased it from. Other competitors left in...