by Draco | Aug 16, 2018 | BattleBots: S8
[BattleBots: S8 E12 is available online through Science Channel with a cable subscription.] Hey guess what it’s Update time and that can mean only one thing: time for me to hunker down and hammer out another ~7,000 word article over the course of an entire day...
by Draco | Aug 9, 2018 | BattleBots: S8
[BattleBots: S8 E11 is available online through Science Channel with a cable subscription.] SNAP BACK TO REALITY WHOOPS THERE GOES GRAVIT– hang on I was letting Joby’s iPod play filler music while I waited for BattleBots’ two broadcasting schedules...
by Draco | Jun 7, 2018 | BattleBots: S8
[BattleBots: S8 E4 is available online through Science Channel with a cable subscription.] Welcome back to BattleBots Update, I don’t know whether or not to say “I hope everyone had a great weekend” or what because the chronology of working on these...
by Draco | May 12, 2016 | BattleBots: S7
(BattleBots: The Gears Awaken is available for streaming online via Hulu, or ABC GO.) I’m back. You’re back. They’re back. We’re back (A Dinosaur’s Story). Approximately one year ago this website relaunched in celebration of...