BattleBots: S12 E4

BattleBots: S12 E4

We’re already on episode four of the new season of BattleBots, can you believe that? It feels like the show just started yesterday. I mean it kind of has, it’s only been less than a month since episode one, but given that there’s only 15 episodes of...
BattleBots: S12 E3

BattleBots: S12 E3

It’s already time for another Update so soon after the last one because I took a vacation and wound up finishing last episode’s article in an airport terminal. Can you think of a better way to pass time during a 2+ hour layover? I’m just glad that my...
BattleBots: Champions E2

BattleBots: Champions E2

It’s Update time once again! We’re getting into BattleBots: Champions, a miniseries shot during the most recent season kind of like how Bounty Hunters was taped during season 10. For some stupid reason Chris and Kenny keep talking in such a way as to imply...
BattleBots: Bounty Hunters E5

BattleBots: Bounty Hunters E5

[BattleBots: Bounty Hunters is available on Discovery+.] Welcome back to BattleBots Update, a website that has lived a hell of a lot longer than I initially assumed it would. This project will never truly be finished. I look at the mountain of robot combat events from...
BattleBots: S11 E11

BattleBots: S11 E11

[BattleBots: S11 E11 is available via streaming on Discovery+.] That’s it. Fight Night’s over. The qualifiers have ended for this season of BattleBots and at the end of the previous episode seeds were announced and the brackets were revealed. From this...